Child Action, Inc. believes that parents are best able to choose the child care that meets their particular family situation. It is our goal to provide parents with information and referrals on a full range of child care services in the Sacramento community. Child Action, Inc. provides information about providers as it is available, but does not make recommendations. The choice of child care is the parents’ right and responsibility.
Oliver’s Law
Child Action, Inc. strongly recommends that before placing a child in care, parents exercise their rights and responsibilities to review a potential child care provider’s licensing history. California law requires a licensed child care facility to make accessible to the public any licensing reports that document a facility visit or any substantiated or inconclusive complaint. In addition, a public file regarding a child care licensee is available at Community Care Licensing Division’s Sacramento Regional Office. You can access any public information in these files by contacting Community Care Licensing at 1-844-538-8766 or searching for a facility report online.
Some programs are exempt from licensure. If a program is considered a “licensed exempted” program, such as a parent co-op, recreation program or community-based program, ask the program staff about their complaint policies as licensing will not have information about these programs.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The intent of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is to make locating child care less problematic for families with children with disabilities or other special needs. Under the ADA, a federal civil rights law, child care centers cannot discriminate against parents or children with special needs, nor can they charge more than they would for any other child. Child care centers and homes must be willing to make “reasonable accommodations” that meet children’s individual needs. This presents exciting opportunities to plan for and include children with disabilities or other special needs in all early childhood settings. Everyone benefits.