Child Action, Inc. is a parent choice program which means it is the parent's responsibility to select a provider for her/his children. The provider chosen by the parent may be licensed or non-licensed but must be operating in accordance with applicable State of California laws or codes. Child Action, Inc. never places children in the care of providers.
Child Action, Inc. makes payments to child care providers on behalf of eligible families. Both parents and providers must complete an enrollment prior to payment being issued. Non-licensed providers must attend an in-person enrollment appointment while licensed providers must complete a phone enrollment. The enrollment is complete once all required forms and documents are submitted and approved.
If you are currently providing care for a family that is receiving subsidized child care from Child Action, Inc., but have not yet been contacted for enrollment, you may contact our Provider Department at
1 (916) 369-0191 to discuss your enrollment.
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(View payment information, reprint attendance forms, and view/print Child Action, Inc. form)
Contact Us
- Provider Direct Deposit Program
- Provider Booklet
- Sample Attendance Form - Russian, Spanish
- Caregiver Support Brochure - Russian, Spanish
- Fun Thing to Make and Do (#36) - Russian